Coalminer Han Sanming comes from Fengyang in Shanxi to the Three Gorges town Fengjie to look for his ex-wife whom he has not seen for 16 years. The couple meet on the bank of the Yangtze River and vow to remarry. Nurse Shen Hong also comes to Fengjie from Taiyuan in Shanxi to look for her husband who has not been home for two years. The couple embrace each other and waltz under the imposing Three Gorges dam, but feel they are so apart and decide to have a divorce. The old township has been submerged, while a new town has to be built. Life persists in the Three Gorges - what should be taken up is taken up, what should be cast off is cast off...
Старый город Фенцзе с 2000-летней историей затоплен, новый город еще не построен. Что-то надо спасать, с чем-то расставаться. Шахтер Хан Саньмин приезжает в Фенцзе в провинции Шанси, чтобы повидаться со своей бывшей женой, которую он не видел 16 лет. Она когда-то бросила его и забрала с собой дочь. Они встречаются на берегу реки Янцзы и дают слово друг другу снова пожениться. Медсестра Шеен Хон приезжает в Фенцзе, чтобы разыскать своего мужа, который уехал 2 года назад и почти потерял с ней связь. Она понимает, что они не могут быть вместе и просит его дать ей развод.Золотой Лев Венецианского фестиваля режиссеру этого фильма в 2006г...
Chine. Ville de Fengje en amont du barrage des Trois Gorges. San Ming fait le voyage dans la région pour retrouver son ex-femme et sa fille qu'il n'a pas vu depuis seize ans. Aujourd'hui, l'immeuble, la rue, le quartier où elles ont vécu ne sont plus qu'une tâche verte engloutie sous les eaux du barrage des Trois Gorges. Dans la même ville, une femme, Shen Hong, cherche son mari disparu depuis deux ans. Là où la construction du gigantesque barrage des Trois Gorges a pour conséquence la destruction de villages entiers et les déplacements de population, deux quêtes amoureuses s'enlacent, deux histoires qui se construisent et se déconstruisent...
"In “Still Life,” which won the grand prize at the 2006 Venice Film Festival, the blood and the sweat run directly into the Yangtze River, where they mingle with more than a few tears. The movie takes place amid the clatter and misery of the Three Gorges Dam, which cuts across the Yangtze in central China. The largest dam in the world, Three Gorges is a site of great cultural and political strife because of both environmental and humanitarian concerns. More than one million people have been displaced because of the dam (more are expected to follow), evicted from their homes by a ravenous hunger for power, electric and otherwise, that is washing them and history away. This may sound like a prescription for social cinema, but Mr. Jia’s interest lies in visual ideas and human behavior, not agendas. “Still Life” has been painted with a lightness of touch, and with none of the hollow lugubriousness familiar from some of the recent Chinese imported pageants and epics.Mr. Jia’s characters are always of their historical moment, but not necessarily its martyrs. Neither is he a slave to history. His work exists on a continuum with the modernist masters, among other influences, but he is very much an artist of his own specific time and place." Written by Manohla Dargis, The New York Times...
Original Title / Оригинальное название: Sanxia haoren
Also Known As: Натюрморт / Still Life / Akinites zoes / Chou kou ereji
Released in / Год выхода: 2006
Genre / Жанр: Drama, Romance, Surrealism
Director / Режиссер: Zhang Ke Jia / Цзя Чжан Ке
Writers / Сценарий: Zhang Ke Jia (screenplay) and Na Guan (writer)
Cinematography by / Оператор: Nelson Yu Lik-wai (as Lik Wai Yu)
Original Music by: Giong Lim
Cast / В ролях: Tao Zhao, Zhou Lan, Sanming Han, Lizhen Ma, Hongwei Wang, Kai Chen, Ronghu Chen, Jian Chieng, Chuanan Fang, Zhongming He, Yong Huang, Deping Jiang, Shiping Jiang, Tianyah Lan, Bin Li, Fengmin Li, Jingsheng Li, Lunshuang Li, Changqiao Liu, Ping Liu, Yougzhong Li, Younghu Li, Zhubin Li, Xiaomao Long, Mingwang Luo, Qiang Lu, Xiang Ma, Jianlin Pan, Zhugui Qian, Changxiu Tan, Ling Tang, Jiquan Tian, Jianghong Wang, Qingsung Wang...
Additional Details
Country / Выпущено: China, Hong Kong
Company / Производство: Shanghai Film Studios
Duration / Продолжительность: 01:46:32
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